A Full-Cycle Assembly Operation:

From Digital Planning to Trajectory Execution Using a Robotic Arm

We present an end-to-end framework for planning tight assembly operations, where the input is a set of digital models, and the output is a full execution plan for a physical robotic arm, including the trajectory placement and the grasping. The framework builds on our earlier results on tight assembly planning for free-flying objects and includes the following novel components:
(i) post processing of the free-flying paths to relax the tightness (where possible) and smooth the path, (ii) deploying analytic path-wise inverse kinematic (IK) solutions with IK-branch switching where needed, (iii) trajectory placement search based on the above path-wise IK, to determine feasible arm paths, and (iv) coping with the grasping challenge. The framework provides guarantees as to the quality of the outcome trajectory. For each component we provide the algorithmic details and a full open-source software package for reproducing the process. Lastly, we demonstrate the framework with tight and challenging assembly problems (as well as puzzles, which are planned to be hard to assemble), using a UR5e robotic arm in the real world and in simulation. Full video clips of all the assembly demonstrations together with our open source software are available at github.com/TAU-CGL/Full-Cycle-Assembly-Operation


  • Dror Livnat, Yuval Lavi, and Dan Halperin
    A Full-Cycle Assembly Operation: From Digital Planning to Trajectory Execution Using a Robotic Arm
    To appear in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2025


Dror Livnat
Yuval Lavi
Dan Halperin

Yair Oz - Webcreator


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