Robot Motion Planning, Workshop, Spring 2022

Workshop (sadna)

Spring 2022, 0368-3535-01

Lecture: Wednesday, 14:00-16:00 , Dan David 205

Instructor: Dan Halperin, [email protected]
Office hours by appointment

Teaching assistant: Dror Livnat ([email protected])
Software helpdesk: Michael Bilevich (michaelmoshe at mail tau ac il)

Projects: Following are a few projects. More details about all the projects, including video clips, appear in the table further below.

Writing on the Board
Writing on the Board
Planning the motion of the Kinova arm to translate lesson plans into drawing on a board
Bouncing a balloon using two drowns that play in turns, keeping the balloon in the air
Few Reads Localization
Estimating the location of a Robomaster robotic vehicle based on few distance measurements in a know environment
Smooth Driving
Passing cargo in a known environment with obstacles as fast as possible without dropping it, using Robomaster robotic vehicle
Waste Sorting
Sorting different types of waste using multi-arm UR5 setting in PyBullet simulation












General information: Motion planning algorithms compute collision-free motion paths for objects that move among obstacles.  They arise in robotics, graphical animation, surgical planning, navigation systems, computational biology and computer games, among other domains. In this workshop we will explore and apply algorithms for one of several robot systems. For example: (i) a fleet of blue robots that need to collect items in an environment cluttered with obstacles, while avoiding a fleet of red robots; (ii) two robot arms that need to carry out a joint task; (iii) drones that need to carry out a prescribed task while avoiding obstacles on their way as well as other drones.

A typical project involves implementing motion planning algorithms for a robotic arm, an autonomous boat, a drone, or a Roomba like robot in simulation environment, or alternatively, implementing a similar task with physical robots.

Class meetings

At the beginning of the workshop, the very basics of motion planning algorithms will be presented, and possible projects will be laid out. Below is the complete list of expected class meetings.

  • 23/2/22 – Introduction to robot motion planning + suggested projects
  • 2/3/22 – More background, review of software tools
  • 30/3/22 – Presentation of project plan
  • 1/6/22 – Presentation of POC (Location: Checkpoint building, room 380)
  • 7/9/22 – Presentation of the final project (Location: Checkpoint building, room 420)
Along the semester there will be separate/dedicated meetings with each team


Teamwork: The project is intended to involve a significant amount of teamwork. The recommended team size is three. Each team will choose a project among the list of projects, and submit the final project later in the summer.

Teams and Projects

Project Members Description + Demonstration (click to view)
Dual Driving & Discovering Networks Roy Dvir Daniel Detecting obstacles and planning the movement accordingly

Dual Driving

CoMotion Shai
Simulations of a player in the CoMotoin game


Self Localization in a Known Environment of a Physical Robot Alon
Estimating the location of a Robomaster robotic vehicle based on distance measurements in a know environment

Auto Localization

Waste Sorting Nir Z.
Sorting different kinds of waste

Waste Sorting

Motion Planning of a Robotic Vehicle Anastasia
Planning the motion of a robotic vehicle chasing a moving target in a known environment under physical constraints (e.g., maximum speed, maximum acceleration, minimum rotation angle) in minimum time

Dynamic Target Motion Planning

“Don’t Drop the Package” Autonomous Forklift Using a Physical Robot Avigail
Passing cargo in a known environment with obstacles as fast as possible without dropping it with a Robomaster robotic vehicle

Comfort driving

Motion Planning of a Physical Robotic Arm Eyal
Planning the motion of the Kinova arm to translate lesson plans into drawing on a board

Writing on the board

FlyBall Efrat
Nir G.
Bouncing a ball using two drowns that play in turns, keeping the ball in the air


Past workshop projects:

Paranoid Android

Drone project:

iRobot project:

Robotic boat RoBoat project

Related projects to stimulate ideas (not from the workshop):

Multi robot motion planning:

Dual arm rearrangement:

Mini Supertanker:


Yair Oz - Webcreator


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