Efi Fogel

Blavatnik School of Computer Science
Faculty of Exact Sciences
Tel Aviv University
CheckPoint building, room 446
Tel Aviv 69978

efi fogel

Contact Information:
Mobile: +972-52-6225863
Email: [email protected]


  • I provide consulting services as a freelancer in software development (architecture, algorithms, implementation, documentation, testing, etc.)
  • Main programming languages & platforms: C++ (generic programming), Python, and Python bindings for C++, Linux
  • Main fields: geometric computing, computational geometry, 3D graphics, robotics & automation, motions planning, 3D modeling & printings, CNC
  • List of patents


  • I maintain a part-time position as a researcher
  • Current Interests: computational geometry and its applications, robust geometric computing and CGAL, robotics and automation, algorithmic motion planning, 3D printing
  • List of publicationsdblp or this private list


Selected Projects

Yair Oz - Webcreator


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